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The UK is on course to be the world's worst-performing major economy this year, according to updated predictions from the International Monetary Fund - which puts at least part of the blame on higher taxes and interest rates.
After Brexit, some anticipated a shift in European sentiment and believed other members would follow the UK's lead. But 6 years on, the bloc seems more cohesive than ever and optimism is high. So why is this? And how did the EU become stronger than ever?
When the prime minister was first informed, his response was: “You keep an eye on it. It will probably go away.”
Economist Duncan Weldon and the New Statesman’s polling expert explore how Brexit and austerity have damaged the UK economy and set the stage for Liz Truss’s “mismanagement.”
A weaker than expected recovery from the coronavirus pandemic has left the UK as the only G7 country with a smaller economy than in early 2020, according to official figures likely to further undermine the government’s tax-cutting measures.
As Prime Minister Boris Johnson prepares to depart Downing Street, tossed from office by his own party, his legacy — the opening lines of his eventual obituary — will call him the man who “got Brexit done.” / So how is that going? What can be said about the post-Brexit Britain that Johnson is leaving behind?
Sylvie Bermann, former French ambassador, puts PM’s handling of pandemic alongside Donald Trump’s.
James Grace addresses Boris Johnson’s falsehoods about the impact of the EU on the speed of our jabs.
Rees-Mogg’s efforts to reap economic benefits from Brexit has come up woefully short.
The Spanish authorities announced last week that the country would no longer apply COVID-19 entry rules for travellers from the European Union/Schengen Area but did not make any exemptions for those travelling from the United Kingdom.
The consequences of leaving have long been clouded, including by the impact of Covid. Now the data is firming up—and it’s not good news.
A RECORD 78 per cent of UK firms attempting to recruit faced difficulties in finding staff in the first quarter, a survey by British Chambers of Commerce shows.
Notrees Care Home in Kintbury could be closed, and all its residents moved elsewhere.
For new medical devices entering the UK market, they will only need to comply with the old, and for some, less stringent, device standard (MDR, 2002). / ... Coupled with the additional authorisation process required to reach the UK market, this may lead to delays or deter companies from selling their products in the UK altogether.
Stock has been hit over the last few years by global supply chain issues, material shortages, the EU exit and the coronavirus pandemic.
The Covid pandemic has exacerbated the problems caused by Britain leaving the EU, the report found.
Diversity efforts across the UK’s tech industry were significantly derailed by the fallout of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research by Tech London Advocates (TLA).
Professor Lucy Easthope is one of the country’s foremost disaster planners and a member of the Cabinet Office’s behavioural sciences expert group. / She says that the Government were difficult to convince that a pandemic was a major risk.
As the pandemic recedes, the negative impacts of Brexit will become clearer and its political effects more unpredictable.
The political choice of Brexit has cost UK businesses as much as the unforeseeable Covid pandemic.
‘We should all have expected this....he lies, he’s disorganised, he betrays almost every personal commitment’. / Rory Stewart has warned it is “very disturbing” that Boris Johnson was ever elected as prime minister when he has a record as a proven liar.
A road trip through the ancient past and shaky future of the (dis)United Kingdom. / The grim reality for Britain as it faces up to 2022 is that no other major power on Earth stands quite as close to its own dissolution.
The difficulties of relocating staff during a pandemic has postponed some finance jobs from moving out of London and into the European Union, according to EY.
COVID-19 is killing a high proportion of people in regions of the UK that voted for Brexit in the 2016 referendum, a new report has claimed.
Philippa Whitford said civil servants had been distracted by Brexit in the year before the first coronavirus lockdown.