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'This is going to hit us in January....customers are really going to see the problems on supermarket shelves'
There are more than 80 such zones across the Union.
The biggest operator of ferries in the Irish Sea has confirmed that there will be checks, inspections and some new infrastructure for trade, and it wants to know what the government will pay for.
BREXIT will lead to more red tape at ports such as Newhaven, the Liberal Democrats claim.
A plan to manage traffic congestion on a Kent motorway has come into force as part of plans for a no-deal Brexit.
Reduction aims to alleviate congestion at Portsmouth as government contingency planning assumes 70% of lorries will not be ‘border-ready’.
Michael Gove just confirmed to me at @SeneddEAAL that the UK Government has not conducted an economic impact assessment on the effect of the Brexit deal on Holyhead Port. This did not stop him from claiming that the deal would leave Holyhead in "a stronger position than ever".
A sea border would mean checks at major ports in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, such as Holyhead, Liverpool, Belfast and Larne.
uthorities fear that new border checks introduced following a no-deal Brexit will slow down traffic through the nearby port of Cairnryan
Hopes for a last minute deal between Britain and the EU are fading and both sides are now preparing for the consequences of an unregulated Brexit, including higher customs duties, long delays and greater uncertainties.
Officials identify sites in Dublin for lorries to park if port becomes congested by checks.
Makers and suppliers of life-saving drugs and medical devices say they have still not been told by British authorities how their goods will be handled if the UK leaves the European Union without a deal at the end of October.
A no-deal Brexit could “break the backbone” of Scottish fishing, industry insiders warned as they revealed contingency plans were still being drawn up with just six weeks to go before the scheduled departure date.
Ministers accused of 'fiddling the figures' to disguise chaos from HGVs being prevented from reaching the border in the first place.
Boris Johnson is facing renewed pressure to recall Parliament after the Prime Minister was forced to reveal that a no-deal Brexit could trigger medical shortages, food price rises and major cross-channel trade delays.
Brexit Republic is back, to delve into the unprecedented convulsions wracking the British political system. In his first tangle with parliament, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has suffered a sequence of embarrassing defeats.
Portsmouth and Dover have done what they can to prepare for no deal but say latest funding will make no difference
Without pass, exporter’s goods could be held up at UK ports and airports after 31 October.
Leaked No-deal Brexit planning documents from Operation Yellowhammer warn of the likely impact on the UK - not the worst case scenario, and have been likened to 'wartime' in peacetime by the Lib Dems
Corbyn says claims that leaked dossier warning of no-deal chaos is outdated ‘can’t be trusted’.
Medicines will also be subject to shortages, according to ‘realistic assessment’. / The UK will face a three-month meltdown at its ports, a hard Irish border and shortages of food and medicine if it leaves the EU without a deal, according to government documents on Operation Yellowhammer.
Government figures seek to play down predictions of food, medicine and fuel shortages in leaked document.
The government has announced an extra £2.1bn of funding to prepare for a no-deal Brexit - doubling the amount of money it has set aside this year.
How could you be affected if the UK does leave the EU without an agreement?
Boris Johnson, the front-runner to be Britain’s next prime minister, has raised the prospect of a shock for the world’s fifth-biggest economy by pledging to leave the European Union on Oct. 31 without a transition deal if necessary.