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Rachel Reeves MP asks why money was given to Hutchison Ports Europe, which is advised by the former transport secretary.
The chaos at ports such as Dover, Felixstowe and Southampton is heightening concerns over whether online Christmas orders will arrive in time.
Ministers at Holyrood are still trying to find ‘additional space’ in the event that freight traffic bound for Northern Ireland had to be ‘stacked’ due to border delays.
Spike in imports has led to bottlenecks of containers carrying supplies for shops and factories.
‘With just 14 working days to go, we have no clue what’s going to happen in terms of whether we do or don’t face tariffs’
Delays at ports getting worse after surge in demand for shipping as economy recovers and firms seek to build stockpiles.
Food and drink supplies in the UK face more disruption after the end of the Brexit transition period than they did from Covid, the industry has said.
Tools and materials stuck in ports struggling to process surge in imports under Covid controls.
According to the boss of Europe’s largest haulage trade body, the UK is looking at a ‘nightmare scenario’ that will lead to ‘weeks, if not months’ of shortages.
Plans for Holyhead port show "just how shambolic" UK ministers have been on Brexit, Wales' first minister has said.
Hauliers have claimed there will be "mayhem" at Holyhead port when the Brexit transition period ends.
Infrastructure work has taken nearly a year in the past, but just six months will be available - even if the cash is there
‘Efficiency and effectiveness’ at risk as terror threat raised and crime becomes increasingly transnational.
Councils and port health authorities risk being overwhelmed, Institute for Government says.
New services provided to ease expected congestion at Kent ports
Sites being acquired as part of efforts to avoid long lorry queues at ports such as Dover.
Cabinet Office minister warned hauliers that unless they get their post-Brexit paperwork in order there could be queues of up to 7,000 lorries.
Average supermarket truck ‘will need 400 certifications’ to enter from British mainland.
Warning from head of North East England Chamber of Commerce is echoed by other organisations.
A letter from the UK government to Stormont's Agriculture Department instructs it to start work on check-points at NI's sea ports without delay.
Medical and pharmaceutical industry leaders are warning some of the contingency planning for a no-deal Brexit is not as well advanced as it was earlier this year.
Emergency traffic measures to last until ‘end of October 2021’ – with a giant lorry park to hold 2,000 goods vehicles.