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'In 2016, Dominic Raab was "jarred" and "bemused" by the idea that leaving the customs union could increase the burden of bureaucracy, despite @SimonFraser00's clear explanations.'
This article is going to try and explain lots of different things which all form part of the ‘what’s going on right now’ picture.
The British government's lack of understanding and overly political approach to post-Brexit trading arrangements in Northern Ireland has left businesses there in the dark, a Westminster committee has claimed.
Brexiters are often accused of living in the past. That is manifest in the now recurring Brexiter response to concerns about Brexit: ‘but we did perfectly well before’.
Cabinet Minister Michael Gove has defended his plans for new post-Brexit border infrastructure after Labour said the government was unprepared.
Even if the European Union and the United Kingdom conclude a highly ambitious partnership covering all areas agreed in the Political Declaration by the end of 2020, the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU acquis, the internal market and the Customs Union, at the end of the transition period will inevitably create barriers to trade and cross-border exchanges that do not exist today.
For some weeks the British government has been planning a “shock and awe” campaign to warn British businesses that they have less than six months to prepare for Brexit; but the EU has beaten them to it.
Talk of ‘opportunity’ likened to Orwell-style ‘Newspeak’ – as advice highlights perils from new travel rules, bigger phone bills and border chaos.
This real-life experience of a small West Yorkshire company, before and after the creation of the single market, provides an insight into our imminent future in the event that we leave the EU without a worthwhile trading deal.
Voters promised a Brexit boon will consider bid to keep Nissan and Toyota as ‘ridiculous’, prime minister warned.
Lorries will need permission from new HMRC computer system before heading for Dover.
‘We believe sterling is in the process of evolving into a currency that resembles the underlying reality of the British economy: small and shrinking,’ say Bank of America currency analysts
EU negotiator expresses frustrations at UK refusal to discuss key issues of transition. / Michel Barnier has suggested the UK is running down the clock in talks over the future trade and security relationship with the EU.
Prime minister expected to press EU leaders to dedicate attention to faltering negotiations.
Businesses fear big hold-ups at the docks when the UK leaves the EU customs area because of untrained staff.
BREXIT secretary Michael Russell says failing to halt the exit from the EU during the coronavirus pandemic will leave the UK facing an “economic Stone Age” while the rest of Europe recovers.
British consumers face higher prices and reduced availability of goods if the government fails to agree pragmatic solutions with the European Union on regulatory checks at ports in any post-Brexit deal, the retail industry’s lobby group warned on Monday.
Post-Brexit transition border checks could cause fresh food supply problems, an industry body has warned.
'This is going to hit us in January....customers are really going to see the problems on supermarket shelves'
Realities of leaving single market and customs union revealed to businesses - after controversy ducked during election campaign.
Michel Barnier adviser Stefaan De Rynck warns that EU "will not tolerate any backsliding or half measures" on PM's Brexit deal.
UK could be fined by the European Court of Justice which - to the likely fury of Tory MPs – will retain the power if there is 'any backsliding'.
The Chancellor has warned there will be no alignment with EU regulations after Brexit - despite a pledge being made in the North East by Boris Johnson that standards would be protected.