tag: Commonwealth ×32


Britain's moves to leave the European Union may complicate life for our exporters but will not damage New Zealand’s economy, Prof Robert Patman says.
Commonwealth troops who earn less than the £25,600-a-year minimum salary threshold could be locked out under the rules - unless an exemption is carved out for them.
But as potential havoc draws near, May’s government seems to have its attention elsewhere. Burdened by their deliberations with Europe, key cabinet ministers are instead trying to woo support from Britain’s former colonies.
Report suggests that almost half of Britain thinks the UK’s relationship with the EU is more important for peace, stability and prosperity than our relationship with the US or the Commonwealth.
Commonwealth countries may have hoped that the British government’s promise to focus on the rest of the world after leaving the European Union would make it easier for members of the 54-member organization to live and work in the UK. But that hasn’t happened.
Dan Hannan has a problem with the truth. The arch-Brexiter – who is back in the news with his book, What Next: How to get the best from Brexit – keeps getting his facts wrong on his pet topic. Here are nine errors and disingenuous remarks the Tory MEP has made in recent months.
The EU has leapt ahead of the UK in the pursuit of free trade deals with Australia and New Zealand after member states gave the green light for talks to start within weeks.
Commonwealth leaders intend to hold to the guiding principle of equality among the members of the 53-nation club.
'It is hard to predict how full Brexit would play out, because this scale of multiple simultaneous renegotiations of global trade agreements is unprecedented – and no country has ever left the EU. It certainly can’t be assumed that Britain is bound to get quick and good deals because it is a large economy.'
Brexit has not only failed to deliver on its promise of reducing immigration and controlling borders, but it has also made the immigration issue worse and more difficult to manage. The government’s chaotic and ineffective immigration policies, such as the Rwanda policy, have only added to the problem.
It is increasingly evident that leaving the European Union — the world’s richest single market — was a monumental act of self-harm for the UK. African countries should take heed and cooperate to ensure the success of the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Indian candidate fills 15th and final place on bench of international court of justice after UK withdraws its pick for post.
The prospect of the UK formulating its own trade policy following Brexit is likely to have implications for the existing Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the European Union (EU) and some African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, and the UK’s future trading arrangements with the ACP.
As director of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, I know what this institution does – and the notion that it can pick up the slack when the UK leaves the EU is nonsense.
Australians have had their fair share of political turbulence in recent years but, as Nick D Miller explains in a new book ,'Do They Mean Us?', many Down Under simply cannot understand Britain's act of self-sabotage.
In the wake of Brexit, the Commonwealth has been identified as an important body for future British trade and diplomacy, but few know what it actually does. How is it organised and what has held it together for so long? / In The Empire’s New Clothes,​ Murphy strips away the gilded self-image of the Commonwealth to reveal an irrelevant institution afflicted by imperial amnesia.
Otto English dissects the disadvantages that a free trade agreement between the two countries would bring to the UK.
A large number of our readers have asked us to factcheck a list of claims about the Lisbon Treaty, or “what will actually happen if we stay in the EU”, which has gone viral on social media.
Australians want the UK to do well. But there’s no way free trade with us or others can make up for the hit of leaving the EU.
This issue of Commonwealth Trade Hot Topics analyses ‘Brexit’ – the UK’s departure from the European Union (EU) – and shows that the effects for some Commonwealth countries may be severe unless specific actions are taken to avoid this.
'For Britain’s economic self-interest, as well as the wider political interests of the western community of nations, Britain should remain in the EU', Kevin Rudd argues
A £5 billion EU continuity trade deal with Mexico, hailed by Whitehall as an “Aztec Brexit Boost”, has become obsolete – after the EU signed a more generous and comprehensive deal between its 27 members states and Mexico.
If not, and the vote is to exit, it will be no good saying afterwards that “we didn’t understand what we were voting for” – the repeated complaint made by eurosceptics about the 1975 Referendum. By then it will be too late.
Zimbabwe's new president thinks Brexit is a "good thing" because it will "need" Zimbabwe.


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