Tory candidate in Wakefield by-election said Brexit ‘built on lies’ and regretted voting for it
Nadeem Ahmed also warned leaving EU had triggered racist attacks and backed second referendum, in embarrassment for Boris Johnson.
The Brexit bus promised the NHS £350m a week – but it’s British workers paying the price in higher taxes
As Britons, not Brussels, foot the bill, many will be asking how a Brexit bonus turned into a tax bombshell.
Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak should level with the public that Brexit has scarred our economy
The Chancellor and Prime Minister need a plan to counter figures showing lower growth after the hit to EU trade.
"This is absolutely outrageous," filmmaker Peter Stefanovic said in a viral video.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has faced calls for his resignation over the holding of parties at Number 10 Downing Street during lockdown. Andrew Ryder argues the scandal runs much deeper than the work culture at the heart of government or Boris Johnson’s personal failings. It is emblematic of a decline in public standards that has sharply escalated since the Brexit referendum.
Patrick Stewart, speaks about the importance of the European Union and how it has been an integral part of his life.
We may never know exactly what Conservative MP Chris Heaton-Harris intended to do with the information he tried to obtain on academics who teach about Brexit. But it certainly shouldn’t be treated as “just a polite request for information” as if this were some routine event.
Dan Hannan’s problem with the truth
Dan Hannan has a problem with the truth. The arch-Brexiter – who is back in the news with his book, What Next: How to get the best from Brexit – keeps getting his facts wrong on his pet topic. Here are nine errors and disingenuous remarks the Tory MEP has made in recent months.
This is the real cost of Brexit - SNP
People, businesses and communities are now paying a heavy price for a hard Brexit we never voted for, imposed by a Tory government we never voted for. / Here’s a rolling list of the impacts of Brexit.
PM claims £350m figure on side of Brexit bus was actually 'a slight underestimate' [3 mins]
Boris Johnson has claimed that the £350 million figure on the side of the Vote Leave bus during the Brexit campaign was actually "a slight underestimate".
Five years on from the Brexit vote, Mark Dayan looks back at the main claims that were made about the NHS before the referendum took place. Which have been proven right and which have proven to be unfounded?
It's been five years since the UK voted to leave the EU. The vote appalled those who saw it as economic self-sabotage. But those in favor of leaving were not swayed by economic arguments — and likely still aren't today.
It’s five years since Britain voted to leave the EU – so what number should really have been on the side of the Vote Leave bus? Ben Chu examines the real impact of Brexit on the UK’s economy.
Five years ago Wednesday, Britons voted in a referendum that was meant to bring certainty to the U.K.’s unsettled relationship with its European neighbors, but it most certainly did not
The Prime Minister's poor post-Brexit trade deals show the desperation of a charlatan who sold the country a pup, writes Kevin Maguire.
Brexit is a political Ponzi scheme
It is increasingly clear that Brexit has cost not saved money, encumbered not liberated trade, inhibited not enhanced our sovereignty, and threatens to break up the UK. In fact, argues Nick Westcott, it is nothing more than a political Ponzi scheme – and it is still going on.
Memoirs of negotiations show how Brussels lost trust in Downing Street team.
The prime minister has imperilled peace in Northern Ireland, and every day the economic fallout worsens.
Great Brexit Con Job
Get Brexit Done’ has unravelled in a spectacular fashion; a significant knock to the economy, removal of rights and freedoms, more red tape for business and – the most heart-breaking of all – trouble has returned to Northern Ireland. The obvious answer to this foreseeable problem is for the UK to be part of the single market and customs union.
'The French in the UK had a sense of being abandoned. They said, ‘yesterday we were Londoners and today we are foreigners’
Fake news handed Brexiteers the referendum – and now they have no idea what they're doing
'Would we have won without immigration? No. Would we have won without...the NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests no. Would we have won by spending our time talking about trade and the single market? No way'
Brexit has in fact cost every person in the UK £1,200 so far, spending watchdog says – as economy flat-lines.