£350m a week
The Prime Minister's poor post-Brexit trade deals show the desperation of a charlatan who sold the country a pup, writes Kevin Maguire.
The reality of Brexit is starting to hit us all - and even those who voted to leave the EU are getting upset.
Leave voters insist Brexit hasn't worked out how they were promised seven years on from historic referendum.
Five years ago Wednesday, Britons voted in a referendum that was meant to bring certainty to the U.K.’s unsettled relationship with its European neighbors, but it most certainly did not
It's been five years since the UK voted to leave the EU. The vote appalled those who saw it as economic self-sabotage. But those in favor of leaving were not swayed by economic arguments — and likely still aren't today.
A conspiracy of silence over Brexit
ix years after the EU referendum, the United Kingdom is being forced to confront an inconvenient truth: Brexit is a process, not an event. It is emphatically not done. Only now are the consequences of the “oven-ready deal” of which Boris Johnson boasted becoming clear.
“You bring Brexiters on, you never challenge them. You let them talk utter rubbish about Brexit. Year after year after year.”
Memoirs of negotiations show how Brussels lost trust in Downing Street team.
BBC editor ordered news chief not to interrogate Vote Leave’s £350 million Brexit bus campaign
Sir Robbie Gibb said the inflated £350 million figure "was not a lie at all", adding that it is "just campaigning".
Boris Johnson today successfully blocked a bid to prosecute him for claims made about a £350m "Brexit dividend" during the EU referendum.
Dr Chaand Nagpaul tells i a no deal Brexit would be disastrous, leading to potentially thousands of EU doctors leaving the service.
Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak should level with the public that Brexit has scarred our economy
The Chancellor and Prime Minister need a plan to counter figures showing lower growth after the hit to EU trade.
Judge to decide whether to summon MP who said UK sends £350m each week to EU.
Boris Johnson has been warned he has just hours to respond to claims he lied about the UK sending £350,000,000 a week to Brussels – or face prosecution. The clock is ticking for the Vote Leave figurehead after a private prosecutor announced plans to take him to court over figures plastered over his big red bus.
Lawyers trying to launch prosecution say MP falsely claimed UK sends EU £350m a week. / Boris Johnson lied and engaged in criminal conduct when he repeatedly claimed during the 2016 EU referendum that the UK sent £350m a week to Brussels, lawyers for a crowdfunded private prosecution of the MP have told a court.
Boris Johnson must go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders
Judge summonses MP to court after throwing out arguments that allegations are 'vexatious' attempt to undermine Brexit. / Boris Johnson is to go on trial for allegedly “lying and misleading the British public” about the consequences of Brexit.
Boris Johnson has been ordered to appear in court over claims he lied by saying the UK gave the EU £350m a week.
Frontrunner to become PM could be hauled before judge over claims. / Boris Johnson could be summoned to court to face accusations of misconduct in public office over his infamous pledge to claw back £350m a week from Brussels for the NHS.
Boris Johnson has launched an appeal against the summons issued to him over allegations of misconduct in a public office, the businessman prosecuting him has announced.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has faced calls for his resignation over the holding of parties at Number 10 Downing Street during lockdown. Andrew Ryder argues the scandal runs much deeper than the work culture at the heart of government or Boris Johnson’s personal failings. It is emblematic of a decline in public standards that has sharply escalated since the Brexit referendum.
Brexit after Boris
Boris Johnson became prime minister on the promise that Brexit would bring prosperity and pride. Did it?
Brexit is a political Ponzi scheme
It is increasingly clear that Brexit has cost not saved money, encumbered not liberated trade, inhibited not enhanced our sovereignty, and threatens to break up the UK. In fact, argues Nick Westcott, it is nothing more than a political Ponzi scheme – and it is still going on.
Britain paid just £150m a week to Europe – lower than the £350m cited by pro-Brexit campaigners in 2016
Analysis by the Office of National Statistics shed light on Britain’s contribution to the EU budget
Court date for campaign to get Johnson prosecuted for referendum 'lies' about paying EU £350m a week
The Brexit Justice campaign alleges Mr Johnson abused public trust by “intentionally misleading” voters over his claim Britain pays £350m a week to the European Union.
Dan Hannan’s problem with the truth
Dan Hannan has a problem with the truth. The arch-Brexiter – who is back in the news with his book, What Next: How to get the best from Brexit – keeps getting his facts wrong on his pet topic. Here are nine errors and disingenuous remarks the Tory MEP has made in recent months.
Did Michael Gove Really Just Say Brexit Delivered On The Promise To Send £350m To The NHS?
Michael Gove just claimed Brexit has “delivered” on Vote Leave’s boldest promise, suggesting it gives £350m a week to the NHS. But has it?
When scrolling through comments you often see people say "they need us more than we need them". So we have tried to respond to that once and for all. We look at if the EU relies on the UK for trade, how the EU budget will cope without the UK and if the EU needs the UK as a security ally.
Dominic Cummings to be Boris Johnson’s senior adviser, despite being found in contempt of parliament
Vote Leave campaign chief – the brains behind the notorious ‘£350m-a-week for the NHS’ claim – to be taken into No 10.
Fake news handed Brexiteers the referendum – and now they have no idea what they're doing
'Would we have won without immigration? No. Would we have won without...the NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests no. Would we have won by spending our time talking about trade and the single market? No way'
"It's like a turkey voting for Christmas, isn't it?" / A farmer’s passionate speech about Brexit from 2019 has been making the rounds on social media – with one person saying it “could have been made yesterday”.
UK still experiencing problems after three years of Brexit.
As the EU referendum grows ever closer, Lord Darzi, Elias Mossialos and colleagues seek to redress a lack of evidence on the role of the union on our health system.
Five key impacts of Brexit five years on
Brexit was hugely divisive, both politically and socially, dominating political debate and with arguments about its impacts raging for years. / Five years on from the day Britain formally left the EU, BBC Verify has examined five important ways Brexit has affected Britain.
The prime minister has imperilled peace in Northern Ireland, and every day the economic fallout worsens.
'The French in the UK had a sense of being abandoned. They said, ‘yesterday we were Londoners and today we are foreigners’
Great Brexit Con Job
Get Brexit Done’ has unravelled in a spectacular fashion; a significant knock to the economy, removal of rights and freedoms, more red tape for business and – the most heart-breaking of all – trouble has returned to Northern Ireland. The obvious answer to this foreseeable problem is for the UK to be part of the single market and customs union.
An anti-Brexit passenger confronted sun-seeking Michael Gove over his “lies” at a Greek airport after she suffered a 30-hour delay.
'...my self-imposed task of documenting the Brexit impact has become a challenge not so much because of the difficultly of weighing up the positives and the negatives, but rather due to the sheer amount of damage Brexit is doing up and down the country, left, right and centre, and across sectors.'
What should we call a project that poleaxes the economy, destroys our global reputation and threatens political stability in Northern Ireland? If we had known what would come to pass, how would we have voted on it six years ago?
Boris Johnson says EU laws about vacuum cleaners and bananas are ‘crazy’. We take a look at whether he is right.
Jacob Rees-Mogg says government should no longer ‘deliver certain functions’ as Brexit prize
‘Our departure from the European Union necessitates a re-thinking of the British state’. / Jacob Rees-Mogg has urged the next prime minister to slash back the government’s role as a prize of Brexit, suggesting it should not “deliver certain functions at all”.
The former prime minister accused hardline leave campaigners of ‘shouting down anyone with an opposing view’.
A prosecution against Boris Johnson for ‘lies’ told during his Brexit campaign has moved a step closer after legal papers were lodged. The Vote Leave figurehead is accused of ‘abusing public trust’ over claims the UK sends £350,000,000 a week to Brussels.
A decision to summon the Tory leadership frontrunner to court over his £350m Brexit claims was quashed last month.
Major's Foresight on Brexit [10 mins]
What the former Prime Minister warned BEFORE the referendum.
Man behind controversial £350m-a-week for the NHS Brexit bus slogan admits leaving EU could be 'an error'
One of the masterminds behind the infamous slogan claiming the UK sends the EU £350m a week has admitted that leaving Europe could be “an error”.
Former Tory grandee accuses Boris Johnson of pursuing an ‘utterly disastrous’ Brexit policy.
Leave voters' disregard for the facts extends far beyond the NHS and the economy.
After Britain voted to leave the European Union, Nigel Farage says he cannot guarantee EU money will now be spent on the NHS.
Patrick Stewart, speaks about the importance of the European Union and how it has been an integral part of his life.
PM claims £350m figure on side of Brexit bus was actually 'a slight underestimate' [3 mins]
Boris Johnson has claimed that the £350 million figure on the side of the Vote Leave bus during the Brexit campaign was actually "a slight underestimate".
Regret takes hold in Brexit bastion
Grays, a town near London, voted overwhelmingly in favour of Brexit. But three years after severing ties with the EU, some are feeling remorse as the country lurches from one crisis to another.
Seven errors Boris made in his latest speech
His [Boris Johnson's] speech delivered at a Europa warehouse in Dartford, Kent repeated several Leave campaign myths. InFacts looks at seven of them.
Talk of Swiss deals, EU rapprochement, and Sunak’s denials can’t hide the stone cold reality of Brexit
‘One of the biggest blows to our productivity – and a self-inflicted one – was leaving Europe’s single market,’ says Michael Day.
The 10 biggest lies of Brexit
Seven years since the referendum, how have the “promises” made by the most prominent Brexiteers panned out? Here’s a rundown of the 10 most spectacular untruths.
Rishi Sunak's triumphalism over solutions on Northern Ireland and migrant boats ignores the fact the issues only arose because of Johnson's flawed Brexit deal - which he endorsed.
The Brexit bus promised the NHS £350m a week – but it’s British workers paying the price in higher taxes
As Britons, not Brussels, foot the bill, many will be asking how a Brexit bonus turned into a tax bombshell.
One Europhobe is finally waking up to the costs of leaving the EU.
The Brexit predictions that came true, those that didn’t—and what we didn’t see coming - BMJ
Six years after the referendum we can disentangle the evidence and judge the effects on health and care, says Richard Vize.
Five years on from the Brexit vote, Mark Dayan looks back at the main claims that were made about the NHS before the referendum took place. Which have been proven right and which have proven to be unfounded?
It has been five years since Brexit “got done” – and voters and politicians alike are still counting the cost.
It’s five years since Britain voted to leave the EU – so what number should really have been on the side of the Vote Leave bus? Ben Chu examines the real impact of Brexit on the UK’s economy.
This is the real cost of Brexit - SNP
People, businesses and communities are now paying a heavy price for a hard Brexit we never voted for, imposed by a Tory government we never voted for. / Here’s a rolling list of the impacts of Brexit.
Tory candidate in Wakefield by-election said Brexit ‘built on lies’ and regretted voting for it
Nadeem Ahmed also warned leaving EU had triggered racist attacks and backed second referendum, in embarrassment for Boris Johnson.
Brexit has in fact cost every person in the UK £1,200 so far, spending watchdog says – as economy flat-lines.
Creating ‘Euromyths’ has become something of a cottage industry in the UK and the EU more broadly speaking. In fact, it’s so common that the European Commission has its own page dedicated to debunking these Euromyths indexing some 650 myths as of June 2016.
Hit to national income – around £420m a week – greater than Boris Johnson’s discredited claim of a £350m boost to be lavished on the NHS.
Letter from Sir David Norgrove to the Foreign Secretary, regarding the UK’s financial contributions to the European Union.
Newly formed pressure group makes no mention of health service.
Buried in a 19,800 word Spectator essay written by former online editor and Vote Leave director Dominic Cummings is an admission: The Brexit referendum was won by lying to the public.
CHEAPER energy bills. Lower migration. An extra £350 million a week for the NHS. There was little that the zealots pushing for Brexit wouldn’t claim ahead of the crunch vote in 2016.
A no-deal Brexit will be grim for patients. Yet gagging orders are being used to keep the truth from coming out.
What has Brexit meant for the NHS?
Mark Dayan assesses the impact of Brexit on the health service, looking at the effect on funding, the workforce and medicine supplies.
We may never know exactly what Conservative MP Chris Heaton-Harris intended to do with the information he tried to obtain on academics who teach about Brexit. But it certainly shouldn’t be treated as “just a polite request for information” as if this were some routine event.
We now estimate that the output loss due to the Brexit vote amounts to about 2% of GDP, or £35 billion. The negative drag from the Brexit vote has increased somewhat since our last estimation and now amounts to roughly £350 million a week. Under current OECD forecast, we expect the output loss to increase to 3.4% of GDP by end-2019.
"This is absolutely outrageous," filmmaker Peter Stefanovic said in a viral video.
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