A billionaire former Conservative donor has urged Rishi Sunak to come clean on Brexit. / Speaking to the I, he said he would consider backing the party again if the PM renegotiated Britain’s trade deal with the European Union.
Tokyo will need to know what EU-UK relationship will be, experts warn.
Another Brexit advertising campaign. They've replaced sporting events as signs of the changing seasons. Instead of Wimbledon or the Olympics, we get Michael Gove talking gibberish on television and further millions poured into preparedness exercises for an outcome with no tangible benefits.
Liz Truss had described the deal with Japan as a "landmark moment for Britain" that would boost trade by billions of pounds.
As part of efforts to maintain the Good Friday Agreement and make sure there is no border in the sea or on the island of Ireland, the Windsor Framework was devised. One aspect of this will see “Not for EU” labelling required on British food products sold throughout the UK.
Brexit Opportunities Abound – Part 2
Continuing the letter to Jacob Rees-Mogg, reminding him – he seems to need reminding – of the many new opportunities created by Brexit.
The UK’s much-vaunted post-Brexit trade deals will only increase the country’s GDP by a minuscule amount over the next 15 years, a report by the National Audit Office (NAO) reveals today.
Japan said UK-EU deal was still crucial for Japanese business, especially its carmakers.
The agreement reached after years of negotiations is forecast to boost trade by more than £30 billion a year.
Britain exited the European Union because it wanted to reclaim its sovereignty. Learning from Norway’s EU experience, Britain must be cognisant of the limits on its autonomy, even as a non-member, write Johanne Døhlie Saltnes, Merethe Dotterud Leiren, Arild Aurvåg Farsund, Jarle Trondal, John Erik Fossum and Christopher Lord.
Paper on guarantees for struggling companies still leaves major gap with EU position.
The government has promised to push for an end to tariffs on UK-made ice cream vans during trade negotiations with the US, Australia and Japan.
Find here explanatory factsheets and infographics.
The world's biggest such deal, it covers nearly a third of global GDP and 635 million people.
Expert perfectly demonstrates Brexiteer hypocrisy over trade talks in just 90 seconds [2 mins]
An expert has perfectly demonstrated the hypocrisy surrounding Brexiteer outrage over trade talks between the UK and the EU in just 90 seconds.
Full Fact however points out that the analysis was relative to 2018 when the UK was a member of the EU, and neither had a free trade agreement with Japan.
Britain's decision to leave the EU has seriously undermined the peace efforts in Europe, a former Tory politician has claimed.
Department for International Trade accused of ‘exaggerations and mistruths’.
Campaigners say claims by Liz Truss' Department for International Trade about UK-Japan trade deal benefits should be taken with "pinch of salt".
Is it a vindication of the economic merits of Brexit and a symbol of the clout of ‘global Britain’? The short answer is no.
Negotiator Hiroshi Matsuura says Japan is giving U.K. six weeks to strike a post-Brexit trade deal.
Britain could be pressured into bad deal to replace EU's agreement with East Asian country.
The UK won't be able to roll over an EU trade deal with Japan in time for a no-deal Brexit, Trade Secretary Liam Fox has said.
Tokyo and London seek to quickly seal a post-Brexit deal to take effect 2021.
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
The U.K.’s hopes of a swift trade deal with Japan will ultimately rest on a successful resolution to the main talks between London and the European Union on a new trading arrangement, some experts say.
LONDON — Britain and Japan were unable to announce a new trade deal Friday after two days of intense high-level political negotiations in London.
Taxes cut on birds’ eggs, raw hides, fur skins and ultra-strong spirits – but UK does not export them anyway.
Consensus crumbles after Liz Truss reportedly sought to make the cheese a part of negotiations.
Measuring the Cost Brexit Six Months On
The end of the transition period was merely a staging post within a process that will be long with us, says Chris Grey.
Ministers refuse to release secret studies believed to show little gain from trade deals with US and Asia
‘If the government thought it had a very strong case they would publish these studies ... it’s an indication that there’s nothing there’
DR ROB DAVIDSON, director of Trade Deal Watch, says the UK's government new trade deal with Japan is far from a cause for celebration. It is the first sign of our poorer future following Brexit.
Post-Brexit Japan deal branded 'a failure'
The first major free trade agreement signed by Britain after Brexit has been branded a failure.
A NEW report has shown that the UK government’s prospective Free Trade Agreements are projected to only add between 0% and 0.16% to the UK’s Gross Domestic Product, up to fifteen years after their implementation.
Britain's trade agreement with Japan - the first major such deal announced after Brexit - has been branded a failure as new figures show exports have DROPPED.
Post-Brexit trade deal: Why Stilton cheese is causing a stink in negotiations between the UK and Japan
Trade Secretary Liz Truss is hoping a win for Stilton would leave Britain in better stead after leaving the EU.
The one that was so much better than the EU-Japan deal because the names of 70 British products would now be protected?
UK’s recent narrow understanding of sovereignty belongs to a receding Trumpian world.
Soy sauce won’t be cheaper in UK after Brexit, just the same price, Government clarifies after Bake Off tweet
The Department for International Trade has wrongly described the condiment as ‘soya sauce’ throughout
Sam Bright summarises the key issues with the UK’s attempts to forge new economic alliances after leaving the world’s largest trading bloc.
Should the aim be limiting damage or designing a bold future? / Japanese negotiators remain skeptical about the U.K.’s ability to handle multiple FTA negotiations simultaneously / What is evident, however, is that no country wants to conclude a definitive trade deal with the U.K. without knowing the final shape of the EU-U.K. partnership.
A CROSS-party group of MPs has condemned the Government for refusing to spell out the privacy risks in the proposed UK-Japan trade agreement.
Trade: First year of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement shows growth in EU exports - European Commission
1 February 2020 marks the first anniversary of the entry into force of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). In the first ten months following the implementation of the agreement, EU exports to Japan went up by 6.6% compared to the same period the year before.
A survey found that 67% felt the public receives too little information from ministers about trade deals. / More than two-thirds of the UK public feel “left in the dark” about the impact that post-Brexit trade deals struck by the Government will have.
Despite hopes for a good free trade deal with Japan, the United Kingdom is unlikely to improve on the recent agreement between Tokyo and Brussels, and could end up worse off, experts say.
However, disenchantment with Brexit has been one of the most notable trends of 2022 with a feeling that it has not lived up to the promises made at the time of the referendum. / Two thirds or 65% of British people think Brexit has gone badly compared to just 21% who think it has gone well according to an Opinium survey in early December.
No 10 had ‘change of attitude’ after pressure from business, says commissioner.
Government accused of ‘failure and broken promises’, as exports set to slump next year.
Doubts are growing in Whitehall that a UK-Japan trade deal will be completed by next week’s deadline, despite Downing Street saying just yesterday the target would be met.
Negotiations hit snag as trade secretary Liz Truss insists on preferential treatment for Britain’s blue cheese makers.
All trade deals combined worth less than 50p per person a year, analysis of government figures shows.
‘Current restrictions on European data to stop lightly regulated transfers to the USA, would disappear’
£1.5bn GDP boost from UK-Japan trade deal is not on top of existing EU-Japan deal benefits
These estimated benefits are relative to 2018 when the UK (as part of the EU) had no FTA with Japan.
‘Asia is taking us to the cleaners’: Emily Thornberry destroys new trade deals in the Commons
"This is now the third Asia-Pacific agreement in a row where more than 80 per cent of the projected growth in trade has gone to exporters in those other countries," she said.
Ellie Newis reviews two of the flagship free trade agreements that were supposed to reignite the UK economy.
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