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Rejoining the EU


Wales and the rest of the UK should re-join the single market to undo the economic damage caused by Brexit, Plaid Cymru has said.
A bonus video this week as I was joined by Brendan Donnelly and Richard Hewison, respectively the Leader and the Treasurer of the Rejoin EU Party, which is again standing candidates for election to the London Assembly on 5th May.
"To all people in the UK who are heartbroken right now: The pro-European movement you have created in the past years is absolutely beautiful. We will build on that. And trust me: One day, I will see British MEPs being elected into this chamber again."
The only way the UK can gain economic growth is by 'rejoining the EU,' says LBC caller.
YES supporters gathered in Edinburgh on Saturday to voice support for Scotland’s place in the European Union as an independent country.
MASSIVE airport queues on the continent after the EU brings in new visas for British citizens this year may contribute to a wider sense that "Brexit is not working" a report this week will warn.
I see its "this trade deal is going to be really amazing / bad" morning, and I need to summon all my centrist trade energies in the hope a few people might see through the hype both ways and realise that UK joining CPTPP doesn't make that much impact any which way.
New poll shows 79% think trade deals with Australia and New Zealand are bad. / Just over half (52%) of farmers said Britain should join the EU and 70% of thought we should at least rejoin the single European market, rising to 85% in the case of those working in the ancillary industries.
AC GRAYLING established himself as a leading thinker of the Remain campaign. He argues that the cause is not lost and that it is well worth continuing the fight.
Sophie Stowers and Alan Wager look back on a year in Brexit, using the UK in a Changing Europe/Redfield and Wilton Strategies Brexit tracker poll to highlight five key trends in attitudes to Brexit in 2022.
THERE is “no desire in Scotland to have membership of the EU”, Scotland Secretary Alister Jack has claimed despite significant evidence to the contrary. / "So does it come as a surprise to the secretary of state that a poll last year showed 69% of Scottish voters want to rejoin the EU?”
The Scottish secretary claimed that 'most Scots' realised their 'home was in the UK, not the EU'. / The SNP’s Dr Philippa Whitford cited a new poll which suggested almost 70% of voters wanted to rejoin the EU.
WATCHING our new and returning MSPs get into Holyrood and start work has been great to see, and the contrast between Scotland’s two parliaments last week was thought provoking than most.
Professor AC Grayling gives his thoughts on strategies to Rejoin the EU.
ANAS Sarwar has admitted that Brexit has been a "disaster" for the UK economy - but said he won't back another referendum on rejoining the EU.
How has the UK evolved over seven years to become a country that again favours being in the EU? And when can we hope to rejoin?
As UK public feeling shifts back to a pro-European stance, is it time to positively charge the nature of the conversation?
Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union establishes how a country can join the EU.
The British government on Sunday denied a report that it is seeking a “Swiss-style” relationship with the European Union that would remove many of the economic barriers erected by Brexit — even as it tries to improve ties with the bloc after years of acrimony.
A distraught Brexit voter is comforted by James O'Brien, who tells him not to blame himself because of the 'sheer weight of influence and bogus information' inflicted on him which contributed to his decision.
PRO-EUROPE groups in Oxford are aiming to place themselves at the centre of the battle to re-join the EU’s customs union and single market, with a Labour peer telling them it needs to happen “as soon as possible”.
We knew leaving the EU would weaken us. Now we can see it will limit the ability of the government to rein in big tech.
Professor Sir John Curtice said the vote six years ago had failed to settle the debate on whether the UK should be in the European Union.
Five years after Britain voted to leave the European Union, most Europeans say they would welcome them back.
‘Every parent wants their children to grow up in a healthy environment with clean water, fresh air and thriving natural wonders. Being part of the EU helps protect these precious resources and spaces.’
We need the word “rejoin“ to have the same weight and significance as the word “Brexit“.
Brexit Britain and Boris Johnson have been dealt a “crushing blow”, according to The Express, after a new bombshell poll revealed more than half of UK adults would vote to rejoin the European Union if another referendum was to take place.
The Scottish Government has signalled its intention for Scotland to re-join the EU as an independent nation. / Brexit has been labelled as an “ongoing, cumulative calamity” – one year on from the UK cutting ties with the EU.
There IS growing pressure to re-run the vote, as Farage predicted there would be – and should be – if the result was 52 per cent - 48 per cent.
Powers passed to help in dealing with the impact of Brexit are being used for the first time to ensure Scotland’s drinking water aligns with standards set by the European Union.
The powers ensure that Scottish drinking water aligns with standards set by the European Union.
Results suggest Leave voters disillusioned with the ‘taking back of control they were promised’.
Three experts were asked what the polls tell us about public opinion on Brexit. They identified ten implications for pro-EU campaigners.
On Oct. 22, thousands of protestors marched in London to demand the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union and hold a general election.
Giles Merritt assesses British remorse for leaving the EU, and suggests that Brussels should weigh the advantages of a constructive new relationship.
The British public now regrets Brexit more than at any other point since the referendum, according to two separate pollsters: YouGov and Deltapoll. Last week, YouGov recorded their highest ever share of voters, 57%, saying Brexit was a mistake. Just 32% thought Brexit was the correct decision. A majority of voters, 51%, now even wants to join the EU...
Seven years after the UK voted to leave the EU, it seems that public support for Brexit has collapsed. Someone tell our politicians...
Financial Times US Editor-at-Large Gillian Tett says many people in the United States “are just baffled” Britain went along with Brexit, describing it as an “act of self-sabotage”. / “Britain has got the worst performance amongst the G7,” Ms Tett told Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan.
Lord Heseltine said it is time to stop ‘hiding from the damage’ caused by Brexit. / Lord Heseltine has called for Britain to “recreate our position at the centre of Europe” after the failure of Brexit.
In this Federal Trust video our Director Brendan Donnelly and Council Member David Gow discuss the economic effects of Brexit. They conclude that these effects, which are already damaging the British economy, are likely to worsen with time. Popular pressure will soon begin to mount for the UK to rejoin the structures of the European Union.
Thousands of Remainers flooded central London with a sea of blue flags and yellow stars as they demanded the country overturn the 2016 Referendum result and rejoin the EU.
This caller told Eddie Mair he believed Leave voters will soon regret Brexit and realise "they were conned."
In this new Federal Trust video, Professor A.C.Grayling discusses the path by which he believes Brexit can and should be reversed.
In January 2020, as Britain was about to exit the EU, a post appeared on the London School of Economics (LSE) blog musing about the mechanism and conditions that might apply if Britain ever wanted to re-join.
'while it is unlikely that the UK will rejoin the EU within a decade, it is equally unlikely that the issue will be not be firmly back on Britain’s political agenda within two decades. There are six reasons for this.'
Prominant Remainer Gina Miller explains what would need to happen for Britain to reverse Brexit and return to the bloc.
Johnson is at the mercy of his cabinet. The trouble is, as Leavers, none of them will face up to our post-EU crisis either
This is an edited version of the Julian Priestley Memorial Lecture delivered by the author on 7 May 2021.
The president of the European Commission said it was up to young people to reverse Brexit after her generation "goofed it up".
Britain will rejoin the EU in the future, Tony Blair has predicted – as polls show support for rejoining climbing ever higher.
Seven in ten Britons support a closer relationship with the EU than we have now. / As we approach the fourth anniversary of Brexit, 52% of Britons now believe that the UK leaving the EU was the wrong decision. The Labour party – likely to form the next government – have so far resisted calls to move towards rejoining the single market...
UK respondents in YouGov survey now more likely to say they trust the EC more than they trust their government.
The former deputy leader of the Conservatives insists that despite the UK leaving the EU, he will push for Britain to rejoin.
With mounting evidence of Brexit damage in plain sight, Sue Wilson asks whether now is the time to start a campaign to rejoin the EU?
The former Green Party co-leader argued the new bill launches "an attack on nature like we've never seen before".
"The facts are, Nigel, that it's not worked, it's not going to work. Yes, we will rejoin."
Action to turbo-drive pro-Europe campaign gets enthusiastic reception from big audience in Glasgow.
It’s easy to assume that the question has been settled for a generation. Remember that Brexit once looked impossible, too.
A huge surge in support to rejoin the EU has been recorded in October - has the bubble finally burst for Brexit and its backers?
Brexit is now a reality: since the start of this year, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union. In Scotland, which voted against leaving the EU in 2016, there are intense debates about when and how the Scots can re-join the continental bloc. However, Scotland could only do that by becoming an independent country, a prospect that could be closer than we think.
Nine in 10 UK architecture studios feel Brexit has had a negative impact on them, exclusive Dezeen research has found. / Three years on from the UK's departure from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020, Dezeen conducted a survey of 50 architecture studios asking about their experiences of working post-Brexit.
The chief Brexit negotiator for Brussels said he would like the two sides to work together to build a new partnership.
DOUGLAS Ross has been heavily criticised for “betraying” the Scottish fishing industry after he took part in a leaders’ phone-in earlier today.
Although a narrow majority UK-wide (not, of course, in Scotland) voted for Brexit, many have already realised it was a grave mistake. It is the biggest economic, diplomatic and ­constitutional mistake in the history of the ­United ­Kingdom. It is likely to be proximate cause of the ­United Kingdom’s ultimate ­collapse.
THE chair of a major campaign to get Scotland back in the EU has pledged to work to make sure the “complete disaster” of Brexit will not be “brushed under the carpet” at the next General Election.
Reflecting on the UK's departure from the European Parliament, MEP Terry Reintke shares insights on its impact and prospects for rejoin.
A SENIOR German politician has given her support for an independent Scotland joining the EU – further undermining a plot by UK Tories to block the new state from being a member.
‘We goofed it up, you have to fix it’, Ursula von der Leyen tells young people. / European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has said young Britons could still reverse Brexit by deciding to re-join the EU in the years ahead.
Numbers wishing to rejoin EU steadily growing over past year, while parties maintain silence. / Polling evidence over the past year suggests that the 2016 Brexit referendum has failed to deliver a “permanent settlement” to the Brexit debate, polling guru Sir John Curtice has said.
A TOP European economist has said it would be “inconceivable” for the EU to reject an independent Scotland’s membership.
'UNRELIABLE, unpredictable, and untrustworthy" – that's the way Europe now views the UK, according to a new expert report.
Europe for Scotland 29/04/2021
We are Europeans from across the continent and around the world. / We want the people of Scotland to know that Europeans everywhere would welcome them back in the European Union if this is still their democratic wish.
EUROPE will welcome back Scotland with open arms – that’s the message of a stirring new video that has captivated social media users.
A former soldier from Derbyshire has urged the new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to reverse Brexit as he says life was better when the UK was part of the European Union.
A former lorry driver and soldier from Derbyshire is one of the protesters leading the fight for the UK to rejoin the European Union (EU) after losing his job due to Brexit.
Steve Race says he wants to see the UK back in the EU in his lifetime. / Exeter’s would-be Labour MP Steve Race has vowed to keep campaigning for the UK to rejoin the EU. Mr Race has been chosen as the successor to the city’s long-serving MP Ben Bradshaw.
THE CLAIM: "Any country joining the European Union must have a fiscal deficit at 3% or below. With the Scottish deficit at almost 8% the SNP must outline how Scotland could join the European Union as an independent country."
Keir Starmer must be brave and try and reunite us in some way with the rest of our continent.
Four years on from the UK's Brexit vote, a majority of British voters would now opt to remain inside the European Union, says new research.
Brexit ‘will be a bad thing for the UK, it’s not good news for the EU,’ Clément Beaune says.
Acceptance is growing that Brexit is a source of considerable harm to the UK.
In the UK, disillusionment with Brexit has set in. The limitations of Boris Johnson’s Trade and Cooperation Agreement are evident. But Labour’s Keir Starmer, the likely winner of the general election, has only modest ambitions for Britain’s relationship with the EU. Andrew Duff suggests that Labour should be much bolder by adopting a phased approach back to full membership.
Comments at Guardian Live event are first time former PM has explicitly called for UK to rejoin EU
A poll of 2,000 18 to 26 year olds found that over half want to reverse Brexit, while the NHS, the environment and the economy are their top concerns ahead of the general election.
Many of those who backed leaving the EU now admit that it has damaged Britain. Are we near a tipping point?
In the months after Boris Johnson signed his post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union, the coronavirus masked the economic damage of leaving the bloc. As the pandemic drags on, the cost is becoming clearer -- and voters are noticing.
Scottish independence offers the only way back for the country to rejoin the European Union, the Scottish Greens have claimed.
SCOTS may face a referendum on the European Union post-independence under plans currently being considered by the SNP, according to reports.
AN independent Scotland would be first in line to rejoin the European Union, according to an expert from the London School of Economics.
A vote for Scottish independence would automatically be a vote to rejoin the European Union, Scotland’s constitution secretary has said.
An international petition has been launched aiming to secure Scotland's European future. / The new project is calling for Scotland to be part of the conversation around EU enlargement ahead of the European elections next May.
SEet up offices in every European capital to prepare for independent Scotland's re-entry into the EU, a leading Irish politician has urged the Scottish Government.
Britain has been an object of international derision in recent months. / Britain, said some outside observers, had turned into an emerging market — even a banana republic. But why has a country, traditionally renowned for its stability, been engulfed by such turmoil? / Brexit is the reason, according to critics of Britain’s departure from the European Union.
Many of the leave voters George Llewelyn met in 2021 were dissatisfied Eurosceptics who are now ardent rejoiners. How did it happen?
We are stuck in the Tory game of make-believe that everything is coming up roses in an English country garden. The reality is that following Brexit the rest of the world looks at England with a mixture of perplexity, pity, and amused contempt.
The UK's finance minister has said he recognises that Brexit has brought trade barriers with the EU, but rejected calls for Britain to rejoin the single market, arguing that most obstacles can be removed over time.
Jeremy Hunt conceded there have been damaging trade barriers with the EU created by Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal.
JOE BIDEN wants to reverse Brexit and has the long-term aim of ensuring the UK rejoins the European Union, a foreign policy expert has said.
Redfield & Wilton Strategies’ latest Brexit tracker poll in partnership with UK in a Changing Europe finds more Britons saying they would vote to join the EU than saying they would vote to stay out, the same result as in our previous poll in June.
Altogether, if a referendum on re-joining the European Union were to take place tomorrow, 59% (-3) say they would vote for the UK to join the EU, while 41% (+3) say they would vote for the UK to stay out of the EU.
Labour leadership frontrunner was only candidate at Dudley hustings not to reject idea of reversing Brexit.
Labour leader Keir Starmer has been encouraged to support making changes to the Brexit deal agreed with the EU to develop a closer working relationship with member states.
Labour big beast Neil Kinnock has warned Keir Starmer he might struggle to meet a key election pledge without rejoining the EU’s Single Market.
Glasgow Loves EU invite you to come and join us to mark the sad occasion of our official leaving time from the European Union.
Lee Anderson has yet again invited widespread mockery after saying he would move to a remote Scottish island – and the internet was happy to oblige. / The Tory deputy chair claimed he would move to Orkney if the UK ever votes to reverse Brexit, in an apparent attempt to show that it was a suitable location to send migrants.
Brexit is an existential threat to Conservatism. When it fails, the party will need to ask itself some searching questions.
The evidence shows that Brexit isn’t working and, despite what Starmer claims, it cannot be made to work until we rejoin the single market.
The Liberal Democrats are to set out a roadmap for Britain to rejoin the European Union single market – reversing the most damaging parts of Brexit. / The proposed policy would ultimately reinstate free movement and trade.
Where do the Lib Dems stand on rejoining the EU? That is the question they need to answer if they are ever to find their way out of the post-Brexit wilderness.
Now, the 75-year-old wants to know, how do we reverse Brexit? / Taking to Twitter, Lord Sugar issued a scathing attack on the Conservative government, initially retweeting a brutal image that read: ‘Brexit has not worked. There are no opportunities. It was all based on lies. The sooner we admit this, the better.’
"Public opinion has already moved", the former deputy prime minister said.
Sugar recently said: "The biggest liars in 2016 was Boris and Gove with the red bus. They should both go to Jail. As a chairman of a public company if I mislead or lied to my shareholders (in this case the public) I would be sent to jail."
More people in the UK think there should be another EU referendum in the next 10 years than those who oppose it.
A majority of Scots would vote to rejoin the EU in a future referendum, a new poll has revealed.
Sherelle Jacobs told Telegraph readers that Brexit's days are numbered and the Conservatives cannot survive such an ignominious outcome.
Michael Heseltine tells an audience in Nottingham tonight that they should they should never give up trying restore Britain's position in the European corridors of power...and says it's the young generation who will push for a reversal of Brexit.
Tory grandee Lord Heseltine has called for pro-Europeans to “fight back” and battle to rejoin the EU.
AS another Friday copy deadline goes past without an outcome from the EU/UK talks I have been reflecting on four and a half years of Brexit battling and preparing myself for the inevitable deep feeling of disappointment when the UK finally leaves transition in just under two weeks.
There’s a growing understanding in Britain that the country’s vote to quit the European Union, a decisive moment in the international rise of reactionary populism, was a grave error.
New chair of the European Movement gives surprise backing to Labour’s cautious approach.
Latest set of polling shows ‘Bregret’ has become consolidated among the British public. / More adults believe the UK should rejoin the European Union than remain outside of it, new polling shows.
UPDATE: As a mark of respect for Her Majesty, we have taken the decision to postpone the march that was to be held on Saturday (10 September). We would like to thank everyone who has supported the march, which will be rescheduled to a date that will be published as soon as possible.
Nearly half of voters want another EU referendum within the next five years, a new poll has revealed. / The survey by the More in Common think-tank shows that one in four of the public - 26% - want another Brexit vote in the next 12 months. / A further 21% would like it to be held between now and 2028.
Plaid Cymru’s Spokesperson for Trade and Business, Hywel Williams MP, has called for the UK to re-join the Single Market and Customs Union as “a vital first step to improving our moribund economy.”
Brexit's still going well, then? Support for the United Kingdom rejoining the EU has now reached a significant milestone.
NICOLA Sturgeon will this morning unveil her “next steps” in a major address to mark Brexit and launch her bid to regain EU membership for Scotland as an independent country.
There was little doubt who came ahead in the spat between Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, and Rishi Sunak last week over Britain rejoining the EU. She began her salvo acknowledging that the EU had “goofed up” in losing Britain, but that it would fall to her children’s generation “to fix it”. The “direction of travel was clear”. Britain one day would rejoin.
A day of pro-rejoin action around the whole of the UK and in every EU country, all happening on the same day.
The polling has been released after Ursula von der Leyen suggested the next generation could put the UK on a path to rejoining the EU.
Almost two-thirds of people in Northern Ireland would vote to rejoin the European Union if another referendum were held today, according to a poll. / It shows an increase on the pro-EU vote since the 2016 referendum on the UK’s membership.
New polling shows 62% want another referendum on Britain's membership of the EU at some point with 56% saying they would now vote to rejoin.
As the cost of Brexit is counted in wrecked livelihoods, ordinary people are starting to call it out. Loudly. Peter Corr is a lorry driver in Derbyshire.
More Welsh voters would vote to rejoin the European Union than those who would vote against in a referendum, a poll for ITV Wales has found.
A poll commissioned by The Independent newspaper, found 65% of Britons, almost two-thirds of those questioned, want a repeat of the 2016 vote on Brexit. Just one year ago that number was 55%.
A NEW report has shown that the UK government’s prospective Free Trade Agreements are projected to only add between 0% and 0.16% to the UK’s Gross Domestic Product, up to fifteen years after their implementation.
European Movement’s Brexit Watch initiative aims to highlight impact of EU withdrawal on communities
ADVANCE notice is given of an important online event to discuss how an independent Scotland could make its way back into the European Union.
A look at what some pro-Europeans are saying about rejoining the EU - and a response.
Thousands of protesters marched through central London calling for the UK to rejoin the European Union on Saturday (22 October). / The National Rejoin March, organised by lorry driver Peter Corr, saw protestors walk from Park Lane to Parliament Square. / Attendees carried signs saying “Brexit was never going to work”, “For lower bills #rejoin the EU” and “We voted romaine”.
Reasons2Rejoin is an information campaign to explain the compelling reasons to rejoin the EU.
A Better Britain in a Better Europe for a Better World
The Government should give UK voters the opportunity to vote on whether they want the Government to open negotiations on re-joining the European Union.
British voters now say that they would vote to rejoin the EU in a new referendum.
A British pro-EU group visited Strasbourg on February 14 to deliver a Valentine’s Day card signed by more than 1,000 people in the UK.
Reject Brexit. Rejoin the EU. Reform Britain. / Rejoin and Reform is a campaign to give a voice to people who want to rejoin the European Union, and to demand reform for a better Britain.
The campaign in support of the UK rejoining the EU. Network, spread news, chat, but most of all.. Rejoin the EU!
Even as we are told Brexit is ‘done’, polls show that more people believe it was wrong to leave the EU than believe it was right, and more would vote to rejoin the EU than to stay out.
In light of recent polling showing that a record number of people have changed their minds about Brexit, Paula Surridge and Alan Wager unpack shifting public attitudes, looking at age, education and changing geographic patterns, highlighting that Brexit may continue to shape our politics for some time yet.
This website is simply a list of actions individuals can take that collectively will help get us on a path for rejoining the EU, and individually will provide a sense of doing something rather than helplessly watching this Brexit disaster unfold.
This map shows local groups in the UK that campaign to rejoin the EU.
We will soon begin publishing questions and answers from Rejoin: The Facts, alongside other useful Rejoin information, here on Rejoin.info.
Rejoin: The Facts 30/09/2024
The book contains key questions and answers on how we can rejoin the EU: Would the EU have us back? Would we have to join the euro? Will it take a decade? In Rejoin: The Facts, we show how the obstacles placed in the way of rejoining are either myths or can be overcome.
The shadow minister’s position went far further than Keir Starmer, who has spoken only about improving Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal.
Economic problems driving support for reversing Brexit ‘mistake’. / Britons would now vote to rejoin the EU in a second referendum by a record 14-point margin, a new poll has found.
Former deputy prime minister says we ‘must restore Britain’s position in the corridors of European power’.
AN independent Scotland should set a target of four years to get the country back into the European Union, according to a major report being published today.
Is Brexit reversible? James L. Newell examines what the prohibition of alcohol in the United States can tell us about the potential to reverse seemingly irreversible policy decisions.
“We declare that Scotland is a European country, embracing our common values of peace, democracy, human rights, equality, sustainability and solidarity. The clear wish of the great majority of the Scottish people is that Scotland should be within the European Union. We commit to working to bring this about, whatever Scotland’s constitutional status”.
A majority of the UK public now believe Brexit is causing more problems than it solved, according to a new survey.
Scotland will continue to have "direct" relations with EU states as the country seeks to re-join the bloc as an independent nation, Constitution Secretary Mike Russell has told MSPs.
POWERS passed to help in dealing with the impact of Brexit are being used for the first time to ensure Scotland’s drinking water aligns with standards set by the European Union.
‘If you ask me about our emotions, you will witness I think always empathy,’ says former European Council president.
A NEW Scottish campaign is being launched to gather support for rejoining the EU. A poll commissioned by the new group, which has yet to be named, found 63% of Scots support backing an extension to Brexit beyond the December 31 deadline.
In an early sign that 2021 will bring a renewed push for Scottish independence, the First Minister claimed Brexit would prove to be the catalyst for a future Yes vote.
AN SNP MP has written to the Complaints Department of the UK Statistics Authority urging them to correct Michael Gove’s “wholly misleading” tweet about Brexit.
Food production in the UK is slowing down and some farms are shrinking. Many farmers say they’re struggling to cope.
A Starmer government looks inevitable. And once in No.10, all the pressure on him will be to reject Brexit.
There has been a surge in support for European Union membership among the British public since the Brexit referendum, a major new survey found.
Britons are ready to rejoin the EU after two years on their own. / It has been just two years since the United Kingdom left the European Union and a new poll of the country’s citizens has revealed a major public opinion shift since the original Brexit vote.
SUPPORT among Scottish voters to rejoin the EU is soaring, a poll has revealed. / A new Panelbase survey has found Scotland is even more opposed to Brexit than in 2016, when 62% voted against it.
With large-scale, pro-EU protests set to hit London next month, UK citizens seem to have lost patience with Brexit.
The assistant comment editor said the Tories have made such a hash of the project it is "probably unsalvageable".
The Blueprint is based on the potential scenario that after independence Scotland becomes a parliamentary republic with a written constitution.
Why does the newspaper continue to publish Larry Elliot’s Corbynite nonsense on the EU?
Demographic changes in the UK mean that support for rejoining the EU is increasing at 1.3% per annum, and is likely to reach 77% by 2035.
Many who voted for the UK's exit from the EU now want back in, according to polls.
The National Rejoin March on 22 October 2022 was a sunny, joyous occasion in the heart of London. It was also big – bigger than even the march organisers were expecting.
Being in the EU is the more popular option in polls now, writes John Curtice, because those who did not or could not vote in 2016 – such as younger people – support rejoining by more than three to one. / On average in the polls, more than 80 per cent of those 18- to 24-year-olds (nearly all of whom were too young in 2016) who express a referendum preference say they would vote to join the EU.
A new poll shows 47% want a new Brexit vote by the end of 2028.
The Register is there to bear witness to the failure of Brexit and to help dismantle it. By filling in the form below you will add to the evidence of how many of us have seen what Brexit has turned out like, and decided it is no basis for the country’s future.
What are our aims? For the United Kingdom on Great Britain and Northern Ireland to return to the European Union as a whole or in parts.
A surge in support for rejoining the EU means the debate on Brexit is far from over, according to the UK’s most-respected pollster, Adam Bienkov reports.
It is not as far-fetched an idea as it may sound. In fact, there is already a template for how to do it.
This week on Dezeen, we published a survey showing that three years on from leaving the EU, 84 per cent of UK architecture studios want to reverse the Brexit "catastrophe" and rejoin the union.
The National Rejoin March 2 attracted remarkable coverage from world media - unlike UK mainstream media. One of Spain’s leading papers carried this insightful on-site report by its London correspondent
EU exit ‘slow death that has been bleeding UK dry for years’. / Thousands of protesters have marched through central London calling for the UK to rejoin the EU.
We didn't see that on the side of a bus back in 2016. A prominent pro-Brexit campaigner now says leaving the EU 'is part of the long game'. / We seriously doubt voters would have been so enthusiastic to back the Leave campaign had this been one of their taglines. Alas, even some of the most fervent defenders of Brexit are now trying to change the goalposts.
So far, in the first two months of Brexit, the following industries have indicated that they have been harmed: Aerospace; Airlines; Architecture; Art and Antiques; Beer; Bees; Cattle and horse breeding; Charities; Cheese; Chemicals; Cars; Classic Cars; Construction; Cosmetics and Perfume; e-Commerce; Fabrics; Fashion; Ferry services; Film and TV production; Financial Services; ...
Former European council president’s remarks will boost SNP’s campaign for second independence referendum.
According to a poll carried out by the Savanta data research group, more people in the UK believe Brexit has damaged the country's economy and influence on the world stage with indicators pointing towards a growing appetite for a second referendum on EU membership.
The UK has a 5/1 chance of rejoining the EU by 2026 due to a growing frustration with Brexit, a betting agency has predicted.
However, disenchantment with Brexit has been one of the most notable trends of 2022 with a feeling that it has not lived up to the promises made at the time of the referendum. / Two thirds or 65% of British people think Brexit has gone badly compared to just 21% who think it has gone well according to an Opinium survey in early December.
Over the weekend, thousands of Londoners held a large-scale demonstration on the streets holding flags and banners of the European Union, expressing their dissatisfaction with the government and the economy, and calling for the United Kingdom to rejoin the EU.
Britain should push to rejoin the single market because Brexit is the “biggest piece of self-inflicted harm ever done to a country,” says Sadiq Khan.
Deep generational divide over Europe, as young favour EU membership and old want to stay outside. / Boris Johnson’s pleas for the UK to unite following Brexit have fallen on deaf ears, with the country still deeply split over the decision to leave the European Union, a new poll has suggested.
A persistent majority of Britons think Brexit was a mistake, one of the UK's leading pollsters said Wednesday, forecasting near-certain defeat for the Conservatives at the next election.
Guy Verhofstadt on his sadness as the transition period ends, and his optimism for the future.
Frans Timmermans claims that ‘so much unnecessary damage’ has been inflicted on both Britain and EU.
In this Federal Trust video, Professor Chris Grey argues that relations between the EU and UK would improve significantly under a British government which adopted a less confrontational tone towards the EU. Neither the EU nor the UK would be well served however by a premature reversal of Brexit. Both sides would need to be sure that the UK was rejoining the EU for ever.
Polling suggests the vast majority of people believe the split with the EU isn't going well - a fact being ignored by mainstream political parties.
Voters now want to rejoin the EU, polls show, in evidence that goods shortages and spats with Brussels are fuelling disillusionment with Brexit. / He pointed to the 77 per cent of 18- to 34-year-olds who support rejoining – and no fewer than 80 per cent of those who failed to vote in 2016, adding: “The Brexit story isn’t going away any time soon."
Brexiteers cannot assume that their success of seven years ago is necessarily the final word on the matter.
In an exclusive interview, Jeremy Miles says he wants a frank discussion about Brexit’s hit to the economy – and calls for far greater devolution for Wales.
We must rejoin the single market, the London Mayor told LBC, branding leaving the EU as "the biggest piece of self-inflicted harm ever done to a country."
We didn’t know the facts about the EU before voting to leave. We need to learn before considering to re-join.
Our aim is to take the UK back to its rightful place at the very heart of the European Union.
The latest poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for UK in a Changing Europe suggests that, among those expressing a preference, 54% would now vote to join the EU while only 46% would back staying out. That is quite a turnaround from the position just six months ago. Then, 55% were saying they would vote to stay out and only 45% to rejoin.
Some seem to believe that Labour should now “move on” and ignore Brexit, hoping it won’t be an issue anymore. They are wrong, for three reasons.
Insiders say there will "100%" be a campaign to rejoin the bloc and plans are already underway.
The party’s refusal to make an unashamed case for rejoining the EU is bewildering.
The leaders of our political parties cannot go on hiding from the damage to our economy, our reputation in the world and the frustration of our younger generation, writes Lord Michael Heseltine.
Brexit has gone from xenophobic delusion to national embarrassment, sustained only by lies from government and press. We will rejoin the EU.
Brexit is three years old and less popular than ever. More people are unhappy with Brexit outcomes to date, and pessimistic about the gains to come today than at any point in the Brexit process so far. “Rejoin” has opened up a double-digit lead over staying out in polls asking voters how they would choose in a second referendum on EU membership.
A leading figure in Germany’s ruling Social Democratic party (SPD) has called for far closer links between the UK and the European Union, amid rising concerns the Brexit divide is harming efforts to solve international crises, including mass migration.
Plaid Cymru has expressed serious concerns over the potential impact of the planned application of full Brexit border checks from the autumn.
But the EU does not want to reopen debates about the terms of the Brexit deal: “Only in the UK are people still arguing about Brexit,” a source said. “No one in Europe thinks about it any more.”
Tens of thousands of protesters have marched on Parliament Square calling for Britain to re-join the European Union.
"Oxfordians want to build-back-better and level-up but we have one hand tied behind our backs labelled Brexit," the association behind the movement told TLE.
He said many MPs privately agree that the UK should have a closer trading relationship with the EU but are too scared to say so.


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