tag: US trade deal ×289


It will be much harder for the UK to seek a US trade deal with a Trump administration that's more focused on trade wars."
US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi says that the prospect of a post-Brexit US-UK trade deal rests on maintaining the Good Friday Agreement.
"To sign up to a trade deal which results in opening our ports, shelves & fridges to food which would be illegal to produce here would not only be morally bankrupt, it would be the work of the insane."
Philip Hammond - Tariff free trade deals would only contribute a tiny amount to our GDP... so we must quash "this myth that third country trade deals will solve all our problems"
"Desperate" Britain is "delusional" to expect a favourable trade deal with the US, an ex-Obama advisor has warned, as Dominic Raab seeks to "fire up" the UK's trade relationship with North America.
“This is a clear red line for us.” / Congressman Brendan Boyle says “there will be no US-UK trade deal - period” if the UK government moves forward with the Internal Market Bill.
Nancy Pelosi has warned the UK there will be "absolutely no chance" of a trade deal with Washington passing Congress should the government override the Brexit withdrawal agreement signed by Boris Johnson.
The most important piece of farming legislation to come before parliament in decades included an amendment tabled by Neil Parish, Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton, which sought to protect UK farmers from low-standard food imports.
Lobbyists for the American meat industry have urged the US government to demand Britain drop antibiotics restrictions and the ban on ractopamine-fed pork as part of any post-Brexit trade deal.
A swift transatlantic FTA was repeatedly trumpeted by Leave campaigners, including Mr Johnson, as the biggest prize from Brexit.
The lucrative UK/US trade deal is dead - so will it Liz Truss now press ahead with ripping up parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol?
WHEN asked whether US food standards would ever be accepted in post-Brexit Britain, the unequivocal response from Cabinet Minister Michael Gove was “over my dead body”.
Luxury carmaker Bentley (VOWG_p.DE) said free trade with Europe not the United States was its priority as Britain negotiates its new relationship with the European Union...
The US president is expected to tell Johnson to solve the Northern Ireland impasse in a pre-G7 meeting, reports suggest.
Official document puts likely benefits of free trade agreement with Donald Trump at below 0.2 per cent of GDP – and possibly as little as 0.02 per cent.
The NHS is at critical risk as Boris Johnson wields the national treasure as bait in trade talks with the US, Labour claims.
On the 21st anniversary of the Omagh bombing, the prime minister's brinkmanship over a no-deal Brexit manages to be both morally indefensible and utterly stupid.
Trade secretary says scrapping protections ‘vital for giving us the freedom and flexibility’ to sign deals.
Boris Johnson is scrambling to avoid his big G7 Summit from sliding into a damage limitation exercise.
PM vowed to ‘take back control’ – but dithering has handed advantage to countries on other side of the table, Institute for Government says.
Border checks between Scotland, England and Wales could be required because of varying food standards after Brexit, academics have warned.
Another Brexit advertising campaign. They've replaced sporting events as signs of the changing seasons. Instead of Wimbledon or the Olympics, we get Michael Gove talking gibberish on television and further millions poured into preparedness exercises for an outcome with no tangible benefits.
Increasingly, doing business with China involves a certain loss of sovereign power. / No matter how appealing a trade deal between Britain and China, it comes with costs. For a start, greater trade with China invariably means larger trade deficits.
Chief among these is Britain, who in leaving the European Union, has placed a disproportionate emphasis on the potential benefits arising from a new trade deal with the US.
Brexit could cost the UK economy up to 30 times as much as the country hopes to gain back from securing a new trade deal with US President Donald Trump, official figures suggest.
The Brexit bills are starting to fall due for Boris Johnson just as the U.K. prime minister seeks to cast himself as a global statesman leading the Group of Seven’s fight to defeat Covid-19.
JOE BIDEN could scupper a US-UK trade deal in favour of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the EU if he becomes US President, a scholar has claimed.
Mr Raab goes to Washington, Mr Miliband goes to town on Mr Johnson in another busy, busy Brexit week. Europe Editor Tony Connelly, London Correspondent Seán Whelan and Deputy Foreign Editor Colm Ó Mongáin look at the continuing external waves being made by the Internal Market Bill and go-slow negotiations.
If the government accepts chlorinated chicken, other nations will sense its desperation and our reputation will be shot.
US House of Representatives speaker visited the Irish border on Thursday morning.
Countries are likely to offer the United Kingdom worse trade deals than it currently enjoys as a member of the European Union, the former head of Liam Fox's International Trade Department has told Business Insider.
Labour's Nick Thomas-Symonds said the move was a “sorry indication of the lack of progress" the government has made on the US trade deal.
The impact of Brexit on people’s earnings could be ‘substantial’, say experts. / Millions of workers in Britain will be about £1,300 worse off a year due to Brexit, leading experts have said.
“Australian Brexit” used to be an upbeat euphemism for a “no deal” Brexit outcome. Now, Australia promises a far more profound insight into the true nature of Brexit.
The results of the U.S. election will pose existential questions in London.
Securing a trade deal with the US was sold at the time as being one of the most significant benefits of leaving the EU.
Britain's farmers fear Boris Johnson's government will trade away British food standards in Brexit trade talks with "fearsome" US negotiators, the main group representing farmers in the UK has told Business Insider.
Leaked letter instructs ministers to have ‘no specific policy’ on the issue.
Experts are worried British food standards will be lowered to accommodate a trade deal with the US.
The US has outlined its objectives for a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK, demanding greater access to the food markets where products such as chlorinated chicken or hormone-fed beef are currently banned under EU rules.
Jeremy Corbyn has released uncensored official documents which he says provides confirmation that the NHS is on the table in trade talks with the USA.
A British-American trade deal won’t be easily agreed after Brexit because the U.K. wouldn’t accept the punitive terms on offer, according to former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers.
Tahir Amin is a British lawyer based in America who is an expert on drug pricing and on previous trade negotiations.
British governments have 'consistently shown that they are both unwilling and unable to stand up to giant multinational companies', says Jo Swinson. / Fears about chlorinated chicken in UK shops after Brexit have been dismissed by a US food official – as he revealed poultry is now being washed in acetic acid instead.
British farmers fear they could go out of business following a post-Brexit trade deal with the US, the National Farmers Union has told the BBC.
DONALD Trump is threatening to use post-Brexit trade talks to lower the price of prescription drugs for US patients by forcing the NHS to pay more, in a move which could cost the UK billions.
US ambassador’s suggestion that NHS should be ‘on the table’ in future negotiations sparks alarm. / Donald Trump will land in the UK on Monday amid anger over comments made by his ambassador suggesting the NHS should be “on the table” in future trade negotiations.
If Boris Johnson seriously believes the US will shower rewards on Britain after leaving the EU he is mistaken.
The Prime Minister is now telling us is that his flagship achievement, the deal he told us was a triumph, the deal he said was oven-ready, is actually completely half-baked
The government has promised to push for an end to tariffs on UK-made ice cream vans during trade negotiations with the US, Australia and Japan.
The European Union's patience with Britain over Brexit is "wearing thin" and the bloc is considering its options if Number 10 continues on a "confrontational path", an official has claimed.
A senior European Union official has expressed frustration after talks with the U.K. broke up without resolving differences over the implementation of their post-Brexit trade deal in Northern Ireland
'Trade campaigners have welcomed the release of leaked papers detailing trade talks between the Trump administration and British government officials, which show the US government pushing Britain into as hard a Brexit as possible because they see this as the best way of benefitting the US economy. This comes at the expense of standards, protections and livelihoods in Britain.'
Biden is just "not interested", the paper reports, with one trade expert saying the EU is more aligned with his priorities.
National Farmers’ Union president Minette Batters has taken a swipe at former prime minister Boris Johnson for adopting a “morally bankrupt” position during post-Brexit trade talks with the US.
Fresh analysis by Sustain published today flags food safety fears for future UK trade deals. Figures suggest that the percentage of people who fall ill with food poisoning annually is up to ten times higher in the US than the UK.
As the UK begins to negotiate trade deals with countries around the world, do you want the food you eat to continue to be produced to the world leading standards you’ve come to expect? Sign our food standards petition and ask the UK government to ensure all food imports are produced to the same high standards as British farmers.
The Chairman of the US House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee has issued a fresh warning that there will be no trade deal between the US and the UK if Brexit leads to the return of a hard border.
The government has spent $15.9m (£12m) on a luxury apartment in New York for a British diplomat working to negotiate trade deals with the US.
Campaigners had challenged the Department for International Trade (DIT) over its "hostile approach to freedom of information law".
The United States would not strike a wideranging trade deal with Britain after Brexit if a hard border was restored between Ireland and Northern Ireland, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said on Monday.
Try and find an instance of the market reacting to tax cuts anywhere else on Earth the way it reacted to the UK’s mere mention of such a simple policy. The market usually loves tax cuts. Not this time. Why?
The UK is going to be at a distinct disadvantage in this negotiation – desperate for a deal the US could happily live without.
Whisky is one of the UK’s most important exports. Currently EU regulations require a product labelled 'whisky' or 'whiskey' to be aged for a minimum of three years.
MPs have stirred a debate after voting on 'New Clause 17' - an amendment giving 'cast-iron' protection to the NHS in a trade deal. Tory MPs did not support it - but a handful did rebel over the issue more widely
A US-UK trade deal is being negotiated, and drug prices are a key issue. Several US officials are demanding that foreign countries pay higher prices to US drug companies.
Our prime minister claims he wants to keep the Good Friday Agreement safe, yet his desire to push through a no-deal Brexit makes that impossible, Best for Britain CEO Naomi Smith writes.
Boris Johnson talked up a trade deal with the U.S. as one of the major prizes of his campaign for Brexit. Sitting in the Oval Office on Tuesday, it was clear the U.K. leader has little hope of delivering it.
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warning that he will strongly oppose any U.S.-U.K. Trade deal that undermines the Good Friday Agreement. In the letter, Leader Schumer also tells the Trump administration to stop over-promising an unconditional and unrealistic post-Brexit trade agreement with the United Kingdom.
The words follow the US easing the way for a Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement by reassuring the UK it won't stop a trade deal.
While Americans insist the practice of washing chicken in chlorine is completely safe, critics argue it can be used to compensate for poor hygiene or contamination at other stages of the production process.
Crashing out of the EU would not end uncertainty and would be a dark day for agriculture and food in Britain.
US ambassador to the UK, Woody Johnson, accused the EU of prioritising ‘history and tradition over innovation and science’. Perhaps, but at least we have high food standards.
Labour leader says documents leave Boris Johnson’s denials on post-Brexit US trade deal ‘in tatters’.
The president of America will tell Boris Johnson not to let the row over Northern Ireland's Brexit arrangements put the Good Friday Agreement at risk as the two meet up in Cornwall ahead of G7 summit on Thursday.
Frontrunner Joe Biden has warned he would not sign a free trade deal with the UK if the Good Friday Agreement is undermined.
JOE BIDEN wants to reverse Brexit and has the long-term aim of ensuring the UK rejoins the European Union, a foreign policy expert has said.
President-elect says he won’t sign any new agreements until US is more competitive.
Presidential candidate says any US-UK trade deal must be contingent upon respect for agreement.
Shadow foreign secretary tells HuffPost UK the US president will want Boris Johnson to “step up” and solve row over Northern Ireland.
A clip of John Bercow mocking Dominic Raab over his predictions about the UK securing a strong trade deal with the US after Brexit has resurfaced now that Johnson and Biden have failed to strike one.
As part of his visit to the UK, Donald Trump has just said that the NHS must be on the table as part of any trade deal with the UK after Brexit. This is a serious and direct threat to the NHS that we all know and love - so I’m calling on our government to guarantee that our health service will never form part of ANY trade deal, nevermind one with Donald Trump.
A senior Labour figure has stamped on talk of an early deal with Theresa May to rescue Brexit, warning her proposals would see private US health giants “getting their hands” on the NHS.
'There’s been no argument about food safety on chlorine-washed chicken – it’s been an argument about animal welfare'. / The UK could accept chlorinated chicken in a post-Brexit trade deal with the US without cutting food standards, Liam Fox has claimed.
Minister previously said "we are not going to see reductions in our standards" after Brexit.
Prime Minister Liz Truss has admitted that there are no hopes "in the short to medium term" for a transatlantic trade pact with the United States as she prepared for a meeting with Joe Biden.
Prime minister will not discuss trade with Joe Biden in meeting on Wednesday.
Prime minister concedes negotiations will not begin in the "short to medium term" as she flies to New York.
Liz Truss has conceded negotiations for a post-Brexit free trade deal with the US will not restart for years as she flew to New York ahead of a meeting with Joe Biden.
It was long touted as one of the biggest prizes of Brexit, but Liz Truss has finally been forced to drop the Government’s plan to strike a free trade deal with the US.
Trade secretary agrees to set up a commission to oversee trade deals amid growing concern over chlorinated chicken imports.
International trade minister Liz Truss is reportedly preparing a “big concession package” to secure a trade deal with Donald Trump and the United States.
If other countries don’t trust us to stick to what we agreed, it makes it harder to strike new deals in the future.
Only half of UK firms that trade internationally have considered the impact of Brexit on their business, says the British Chambers of Commerce.
The Duchess of Sussex has added her voice to the growing concern surrounding low quality US food, reportedly commenting on how “badly wrong the US food systems are”.
‘I want to awaken you to an opportunity’, Penny Mordaunt tells US audience – after Joe Biden slammed the brakes on talks.
‘If the government thought it had a very strong case they would publish these studies ... it’s an indication that there’s nothing there’
Brian Toohey, of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America trade group, spearheads PhRMA and recently told of the US drugs industry's predatory intentions.
MPs have overturned measures designed to protect domestic food standards in future trade deals, amid fears over chlorinated chicken.
US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi has said there will be "no chance" of US-UK trade deal if Brexit compromises the Good Friday Agreement.
A WARNING by the powerful Irish-American business lobby that a US-UK trade deal would be blocked in the event of a hard Brexit has been welcomed by nationalists.
A campaign to ban cheap, low-quality food imports from the US in a post-Brexit trade deal has amassed well over 350,000 signatures.
Vast majority say publicly-funded health service should be ‘off the table’ after Brexit.
George Hollingbery, then trade minister, and John Saville, Her Majesty’s Consul General in Chicago met a pharmaceutical company's senior director in August last year to discuss a post-Brexit pact.
Woody Johnson says 'entire economy' would be up for discussion. / The NHS would be “on the table” in any post-Brexit UK-US trade deal agreed by Donald Trump, the American ambassador has said.
Health secretary wades into the row, saying health service is 'not for sale'. / Donald Trump's British envoy has sparked fury with claims that access to the NHS would be "on the table" in post-Brexit trade deal with the US. Woody Johnson, the US ambassador to the UK, said the "entire economy" would be included ... allowing American private firms to bid for NHS contracts.
A US-UK trade deal will not get through Congress if Brexit undermines the Good Friday Agreement, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives has said.
Senior US politician says Brexit cannot be allowed to imperil Good Friday agreement.
Beijing has made it clear that it would welcome an FTA with the UK with “open arms” and has stated that it would make a “top notch” deal. However, other influences will come into play to negate that, a point little understood by many UK-China analysts.
Truss’s relations with US president already strained by her threats as foreign secretary to rip up post-Brexit trading arrangements in NI.
PM admits talks are not even taking place and plays down hopes from Brexiters that they could start ‘in the short to medium term’.
The U.S. wants to move the U.K. away from the EU’s set of trade rules and regulations toward the American one. Farage and Johnson are easy prey.
Bleak impact including higher prices in shops is revealed in OBR report accompanying Rishi Sunak's spending review.
US trade deal would mean ‘submitting to someone else’s wishes’, academic says.
After Trump security adviser John Bolton’s visit it’s clear the price of US backing will be paid both in trade and foreign policy.
We discuss the key potential upsides, possible risks and principal negotiating issues from both US and UK perspectives. We conclude that it is highly unlikely that a free trade deal between the US and the UK will be secured in the near term and that the likely potential benefits for British businesses are less than often suggested.
An open letter from joint CEOs Miriam Turner and Hugh Knowles to the Department of Trade on possible trade deals with the US.
Opposition leaders are using Donald Trump's visit to the UK to raise concerns about the terms of a post-Brexit trade deal with the US.
White House trade pledge empty without backing from pro-Irish House Speaker.
The Speaker of the US House of Representatives discussed the Northern Ireland Protocol with Johnson in Downing Street.
Speaker of the US House of Representatives says peace treaty could not be 'bargained away in another agreement'. / Nancy Pelosi has said there will be no chance of a US trade deal with the UK if the Good Friday Agreement is undermined by Brexit.
Joe Biden has downplayed prospects of brokering a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK by instead warning Boris Johnson that peace in Northern Ireland must not be jeopardised over post-Brexit trade rules.
On Feb 28, 2019, the US Trade Representative (USTR) published the US negotiating position on a post-Brexit US–UK trade deal. USTR made clear that the UK must abandon the EU's high food safety, animal welfare, and environmental protection standards as a condition for agreeing the kind of deal many Brexiteers desire.
A NEW report has shown that the UK government’s prospective Free Trade Agreements are projected to only add between 0% and 0.16% to the UK’s Gross Domestic Product, up to fifteen years after their implementation.
Future trade deals with the US must not allow imports of pork that would fail to meet British production standards, the National Pig Association (NPA) has warned.
The government has estimated a post-Brexit trade deal with the United States would boost the UK economy by 0.16% over the next 15 years.
PRIME Minister Liz Truss has said a post-Brexit trade deal with the US could be years away despite her predecessor Boris Johnson championing it as a big Brexit bonus.
Ms Greer also warned of the depth of sentiment around the issue of Ireland in the US, saying: 'The United States is Irish'
It’s a big one this week as the redoubtable DOMINIC GRIEVE MP – former Attorney General, unbowed People’s Vote advocate... /
Richard Corbett, former Labour MEP, linguist, author and fluent and well-informed speaker will explain the background to Boris Johnson's Brexit deal and discuss the fallout. There are numerous consequences of Brexit which are not receiving sufficient publicity. Leaving the EU came at a huge cost to the UK economically, culturally and in terms of our standing in the world.
The US Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer has sent a letter to the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warning that he will strongly oppose any US-UK trade deal that undermines the Good Friday Agreement or facilitates a return to a hard border.
Secret documents detailing plans for a post-Brexit US trade deal, which Jeremy Corbyn today claimed show a Tory plot to sell off the NHS, were first published online over a month ago but went almost entirely unnoticed.
George Freeman tells HuffPost UK Boris Johnson must not "sell out" manifesto pledge as MPs prepare for fresh potential rebellions.
This paper considers only trade in services between the United States and the UK in the context of the latter’s anticipated departurefrom the EU and identifies priorities for any future legal arrangement governing U.S.-UK trade in services. / "Many American services suppliers chose the UK as their European headquarters in order to benefit from operating inside the EU Single Market."
United opposition would ‘send a powerful message to our European friends,’ says MP Ian Blackford — as ministers insist there’s no reason to change timetable.
Consumer groups and Lib Dem MP Layla Moran call on chains to follow Waitrose's lead ahead of US-UK trade deal.
Today Liz Truss poured cold water on a potential deal, saying she doesn't foresee any negotiations taking place any time soon.
Sam Bright summarises the key issues with the UK’s attempts to forge new economic alliances after leaving the world’s largest trading bloc.
Should the aim be limiting damage or designing a bold future? / Japanese negotiators remain skeptical about the U.K.’s ability to handle multiple FTA negotiations simultaneously / What is evident, however, is that no country wants to conclude a definitive trade deal with the U.K. without knowing the final shape of the EU-U.K. partnership.
Dispatches goes undercover in a major US poultry processing plant to investigate chlorinated chicken, which is being pushed as part of a post-Brexit US trade deal
Just in time for Trump’s UK visit, Channel 4’s Dispatches looked at the food standard implications of a post-Brexit trade deal with the US. It wasn’t a pretty sight.
UK-US trade agreement was always going to be a tough sell. American Ambassador Woody Johnson’s comment to Andrew Marr on Sunday that healthcare would need to be on the table in any future trade talks only served to make agreeing a fully-fledged deal all the more difficult.
The decisions made in these trade talks will define the health of the UK’s population as well as the country’s environment and economy for years to come.
In this thread Steve Analyst reviews submissions from US businesses on their requirements for a US-UK trade deal including: lower food, contamination and safety standards; removing labels for traceability; admission of GMO; ...
The year in Brexit 20/12/2023
The past 12 months have been littered with grandiose claims about the benefits of Brexit and the ability of the UK to demand what it wants from the EU. But the sad and inescapable conclusion is that none of those benefits exist and that the UK has been forced into a number of embarrassing retreats and compromises.
As our prime minister and the no-deal zealots of his cabinet revel in Brexit brinkmanship it is worth recalling the legal realities of what threatens to be our post Halloween world.
Asked if Washington would be free to ‘jack up prices’, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab replies ‘The Americans will take their decisions’.
US pharmaceutical firms, known as Big Pharma, want 'full market access for US products' in the NHS which spends £140bn a year.
Boris Johnson has accepted that the UK will not get a quick trade deal with the US, in an embarrassing admission as he prepares for his first White House meeting with president Joe Biden.
Non-disclosure deals would bind those joining expert trade advisory groups for at least seven years, Sky News has learned.
The Trump administration has made it clear to Boris Johnson that any post-Brexit US-UK free trade deal would rely on Britain dropping plans to tax large American tech firms, according to reports.
Historian Sir Simon Schama has warned that Donald Trump is a president "ready to pounce" in the event of a no-deal Brexit as he criticised the US ambassador.
Despite promises that the UK would be next in line for trade talks, Trump officials could end up entering fresh talks with the EU instead.
Boris Johnson is about to feel the pinch of Brexit Britain’s new global status: squeezed on one side by Europeans in no mood to yield, and on the other by a United States driving a hard bargain for its economic support.
Donald Trump is ready to use trade talks to force the National Health Service to pay more for its drugs as part of his scheme to "put American patients first”.
A UK-US trade deal is highly unlikely to be approved before the US election in November, according to Donald Trump’s chief trade representative.
It is one of the starkest of all Brexit contradictions. The most strident supporters of the project want to leave the EU because it imposes demands upon the UK, but then also secure a trade deal with the US which would involve accepting a whole new set of obligations.
The U.K. will set up a new commission to inform its post-Brexit agricultural policy, bowing to pressure from British farmers and potentially complicating trade negotiations with the U.S.
U.K. investment of more than 1 billion pounds ($1.4 billion) to smooth the passage of goods over its new post-Brexit border failed to prevent a slump in trade with the European Union.
The United States will delay its deal to remove tariffs on UK steel and aluminum because of concerns about post-Brexit trade rules affecting Northern Ireland, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.
'What they will actually target is the process by which we control pharmaceutical pricing. That is where they will be pushing - we have to resist them'
The latest round of talks are due to conclude on Thursday with No10 admitting ‘significant differences’ still remain between both sides.
Confidential documents cannot be revealed until five years after a deal is in force.
Move aimed at smoothing relations as president-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office.
America Letter: Congress members voice support for backstop and Belfast agreement. / This week the issue of Brexit made it across the Atlantic as members of US Congress voiced their concern about its impact on Northern Ireland.
The UK must accept US food standards as part of any future trade deal with Washington, the head of America's farming lobby has said.
The US ambassador to Britain has said that British farmers need to embrace chlorinated chicken, ahead of Brexit talks between Donald Trump and Boris Johnson's teams.
Envoys sidestep ban on discussing drug prices by referring to controversial subject ‘valuing innovation’.
The United Kingdom is planning to cut tariffs on U.S. agricultural imports to advance progress on a free trade agreement, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.
The government will need to hire at least one new negotiator every day until June to plug the staffing gap, in a situation branded "farcical and a real risk".
If Britain wants a trade deal with the US, it must accept American food standards, including those allowing genetic modification and chicken to be washed in chlorine, the head of America’s farming lobby has said.
Joe Biden is more likely to focus on an EU-US trade deal than an agreement with the UK, Lord Kim Darroch suggested
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 'didn't discuss' a post-Brexit trade deal in his first meeting with Joe Biden - and dodged questions on whether Brexit has played a part in Britain's economic woes
Fears of illness over nitrites used in US but currently banned in Britain and EU.
The Speaker of the US House of Representatives said today that a breakdown in the talks over the Northern Ireland Protocol would be “problematic” for a post-Brexit UK-US trade deal.
Negotiations with Brussels to drag on into the autumn — and there’s no sign a deal is imminent with Washington.
Officials’ comments put paid to idea displeasure with UK is limited to Irish caucus on Capitol Hill.
Ahead of Donald Trump's state visit on Monday, his ambassador said healthcare should not be excluded from a free trade deal. / The US ambassador to the UK Woody Johnson has said that healthcare should be included in a free trade deal between the two countries.
Britain is looking to strike trade agreements following its departure from the European Union, but Mr Biden’s administration has put talks on ice.
The US has dashed Boris Johnson’s hopes of a quick post-Brexittrade deal, announcing a “review” of the negotiations so far.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has downplayed any prospect of an imminent trade deal with a post-Brexit Britain.
US lobby groups for agriculture and pharmaceutical firms want UK standards changed to be closer to those of the US in a post-Brexit trade deal.
Rising star in Democratic Party worries that any damage to the EU is a ‘gift’ to Russia.
When President Donald Trump arrived in the United Kingdom this week, he landed bang in the middle of a huge political fight about the country's National Health Service.
This video from January is US Pharma industry lobby telling US trade negotiators that US-UK trade deal is “an important opportunity” to deal with “artificially depressed prices” in UK - “dictated” via our “primary payer” system
US president quietly abandons talks as he focuses on elections next year. / Joe Biden has dashed hopes of a post-Brexit transatlantic trade deal with the UK as he looks to bolster US industry as part of his bid for re-election.
Planned Brexit trade talks between Liam Fox and US Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross have been cancelled, amid escalating tensions following the release of UK diplomatic memos calling Donald Trump "incompetent", "inept", and "insecure".
Donald Trump’s trade representative to demand greater access for agricultural goods.
A leading trade economist has warned that NHS patient data may be exploited by US technology companies under a trade deal with America.
Which? raises alarm after Boris Johnson dumped promised ban on chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef, to strike quickfire agreement with Donald Trump
Trade deal would open door to meat containing banned growth promoters, from pigs kept in conditions banned in UK, industry leaders warn.
BORDER checks between Scotland, England and Wales could be required because of varying food standards after Brexit, academics have warned.
Supermarket boss says it would be 'wrong' to keep high standards at home and import lower quality food from abroad
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi takes aim at UK over stance on Northern Ireland protocol.
Post-Brexit we will return to an outdated way of approving trade deals, with little role for Parliament, despite the huge implications of a US deal for public policy, health standards and the environment.
As EU and US negotiations continue, how many deals have been made and what proportion of UK trade do they cover?
Fresh from scandals and an attempted ousting, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s latest plan is to tear up key parts of a post-Brexit agreement on Northern Ireland he made himself less than three years ago.
They want to tear up our green regulations so they can plunder and pollute the environment for profit.
As the details of Boris Johnson’s trade deals are unveiled, these two farmers are pessimistic about the post-Brexit future of their industry.


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